I know some of you want to know what happens about the lawyer letter I posted in previous post.  I promise I’ll update as soon as possible I have the answer.

After thinking many days, I decided to talk to Shawn Thornton, our
association management owner once again.

Here are all emails about this lawyer letter to Shawn Thornton of Alpha Association Management, LLC.


Then, here is she responded back.


After talking with her many times about this case and then the final result is still the same…  At this time, I don’t think anything can solve with her.  Here, I responded back to her. 

Okay, she responded back to me.


I ask her all board directors’ names without their addresses.





Notes: The board directors and Shawn Thornton told me contact her (Shawn) if we receive another letter from the lawyer. She (Shawn) also told me don’t contact the lawyer because they’ll increase the fee every time we write to them. Everybody in that meeting verified me what I have to do if we receive another lawyer letter again to make sure I understand them.